Conquer Your Squat Depth: Tips for Going Lower: 2-12-2024 Vlog

Struggling to reach "a** to grass" in your squats? You're not alone! But fear not, fellow athletes, achieving deeper squats is within reach. This guide outlines effective strategies to unlock your full squatting potential:

Mobility Boost:

  • Elevate your heels: Using plates or heel risers creates space for deeper hip mobility. Focus on midfoot pressure for stability.

  • Stretch it out: Incorporate regular hip flexor,hamstring, and ankle stretches to increase range of motion.

  • Warm-up wisely: Perform light, dynamic stretches before squatting to prime your muscles and joints.

Technique Tweaks:

  • Master the form: Ensure proper back alignment,knee tracking, and core engagement throughout the movement.

  • Control the descent: Slow down your squat,focusing on controlled movement rather than rushing to the bottom.

  • Mind your depth: Gradually increase your squat depth as your mobility and strength improve. Don't force it!

Strength Builders:

  • Strengthen your glutes and hamstrings:Exercises like glute bridges, Romanian deadlifts,and Nordic curls build leg power for deeper squats.

  • Don't neglect core: Strong core muscles stabilize your spine and support proper squat form. Include planks, anti-rotational exercises, and other core drills.

  • Progressive overload: Gradually increase weight or reps over time to challenge your muscles and adapt to deeper squats.


  • Listen to your body: Pain is a signal to stop. Rest when needed and address any limitations with a healthcare professional.

  • Consistency is key: Regular squat training, even with light weights, leads to long-term improvements.

  • Enjoy the journey: Celebrate your progress and focus on feeling strong and empowered through your squats.

Ready to squat low and reap the benefits? Follow Coach Malek on Instagram (@coachmalek) for more in-depth fitness content, workout inspiration, and expert tips to help you crush your fitness goals!


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