Master the Single Leg RDL: Ditch the Twist, Target Your Hamstrings!

Hey everyone, are you struggling with your single leg RDLs? Notice your hips twisting and feeling pain in your hamstrings or glutes? You're not alone! This video breaks down the key mistake many people make and how to fix it for a more effective and pain-free exercise.

Ditch the Twist, Embrace the Square:

The biggest culprit? Twisting your hips! When you pick up the weight and extend your leg back, remember: that leg replaces your foot's position. So, keep your hips square to the ground throughout the entire movement. This engages your hamstrings more effectively and prevents unwanted twisting.

Here's the breakdown:

  1. Start tall: Stand with one leg planted, knee slightly bent. Hold your weight in the opposite hand.

  2. Reach back, stay square: Lift your other leg off the ground, keeping your hips facing forward.Extend it straight back, maintaining a square hip position.

  3. Lower with control: Hinge at the hips,maintaining a flat back and square hips. Don't go too low, listen to your body.

  4. Drive up, stay square: Push through your heel and drive your foot back to the starting position.Keep your hips facing forward the entire time.

  5. Repeat: Perform reps with each leg, focusing on keeping your hips square and engaging your hamstrings.

Benefits of the Square Stance:

  • Improved hamstring engagement: By avoiding the twist, you target the inner portion of your hamstrings more effectively, leading to better development and strength.

  • Reduced pain: Twisting can put stress on your joints and muscles, potentially leading to pain.Keeping your hips square helps prevent this.

  • Better balance and stability: Maintaining a square stance challenges your balance and core stability, improving overall athleticism.

Give it a try! Feel the difference when you focus on keeping your hips square during your single leg RDLs. You'll be surprised how much more you engage your hamstrings and improve your overall form. Remember, quality over quantity! Focus on proper form and controlled movements for the best results.

Bonus Tip: If you're new to single leg RDLs, start without weight or with very light dumbbells until you master the movement with proper form.

Happy training!


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