Best Workout for Beginners

Hey there! So, a lot of you have been asking me about starting a good workout routine, especially if you're a beginner. Well, guess what? I've got you covered!

Let's talk about a full-body workouts

Diving into the fitness world can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially for beginners. When it comes to choosing a workout routine, full-body workouts are a fantastic option, particularly for those who are just starting out on their fitness journey.

Here are three crucial reasons why full-body workouts are perfect for beginners:

  • Comprehensive Muscle Engagement: One of the significant advantages of full-body workouts is that they target multiple muscle groups in a single session. This means you’re not just focusing on one area of your body, but engaging your arms, legs, core, and more, all in one go. For beginners, this balanced approach ensures that no muscle group is left behind, promoting overall strength and toning.

  • Efficient Time Management: Full-body workouts are incredibly time-efficient. With our busy schedules, it’s essential to make the most of the time we dedicate to exercise. Instead of spending hours at the gym targeting different muscle groups on different days, a full-body routine can be completed in a relatively short amount of time. This efficiency is perfect for beginners who might find it challenging to commit to lengthy workout sessions.

  • Faster Progress and Adaptability: Since full-body workouts engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, they encourage the body to adapt and become stronger more quickly. For beginners, this means faster progress and visible results, which can be incredibly motivating. Moreover, these workouts are highly adaptable. Regardless of your fitness level, exercises can be modified to suit your capabilities, making it accessible for everyone, regardless of their starting point.

Incorporating full-body workouts into your routine not only provides a holistic approach to fitness but also ensures that you are working towards a healthier and stronger version of yourself without feeling overwhelmed. So, if you're a beginner looking to embark on your fitness journey, consider embracing the simplicity and effectiveness of full-body workouts – your body will thank you!

In this video, Dave and I began with some horizontal and vertical pulls. Next up, we moved on to pushes. We did some incline presses and even added a superset to spice things up. The key here is to balance your workouts. Instead of overworking one muscle group, spread your energy across your entire body. Trust me; you'll thank yourself later when you're not aching all over the next day.

Now, onto hamstrings. We used a seated hamstring curl machine. Adjusting the seat properly is crucial. You want to feel a tight squeeze, isolating your hamstrings. I find this machine more effective than the leg curl machine – it really targets those muscles without straining your legs.

We also talked about creatine. Creatine is like an energy booster, it provides a quicker recovery time and strong push on the last few reps of a set. It is also found in steak so it's all natural. You can use it, but moderation is key. Stick to 5 grams a day during your off-season training and maybe once a week during your in-season to maintain your agility.

Lastly, don't forget about the little details, like adjusting the machines to fit your size perfectly. Squeeze those muscles at the top of your reps, and remember, consistency is key.

So, to all you beginners out there, try this full-body workout three times a week. I promise you'll feel amazing – both physically and mentally.

Your body will thank you, and hey, you might even find yourself enjoying the process.

Give it a shot, and I'll catch you in the next video!

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