What does ‘RPE’ mean in a weightlifting program

What's up guys, Coach Malek here. Quick explanation on RPE. I hear a lot of questions on what is an RPE of a weightlifting program and it is the rate of perceived effort, basically intensity. RPE is intensity. So if it says what is your RPE, if it was 7 out of 10, your RPE was 7. If the difficulty was 9 out of 10, the RPE is 9. So whatever the rate of perceived effort, the intensity is, that is the RPE. So a workout could be an RPE of 7, 8, 9, 10. That means you're not going to do it as much in the week because it was so intense. You're going to do it one to two, such as back and bi’s chest and tri’s legs, upper body, lower body split. Whereas if you're doing a RPE of like 1 2 3 such as a physical therapy program, or you're doing something very lower intensity, you could do that more throughout the week. Like three times a week, four times a week, and so on. So that's what RPE is in a weightlifting program.

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- Coach Malek


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