How to lose freshman 15: two simple tips for your son

What's going on guys? Coach Malek here and I just got asked by a dad, his son just went to college and gained the college 15 and asked, what can I tell my son so he can start doing it and implementing it today? And so I told him this is the simplest thing, there's two things, if you tell your son to do it, he will start losing weight and getting in better shape. Number one is a mile a day, number two is a hundred pushups a day. You can do the mile from running, walking or jogging and you can do the pushups all at once or you can spread it out throughout the day. But you do those two things, just add a mile every day, add those hundred pushups and your son is going to start getting in shape. So he said, alright, I'm going to tell my son two miles a day and 200 pushups. So try those two things out, one mile a day, 100 pushups and I promise you'll start seeing results if you're not doing anything yet.

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