Strategies for Improving Speed, Agility and Quickness in High School Athletes

Speed, agility, and quickness (SAQ) are essential qualities of an effective high school athlete. These three qualities are the foundation of athletic performance, allowing athletes to compete at their highest level. Developing SAQ takes practice and dedication. Here are a few strategies that coaches can use to help their high school athletes improve their speed, agility, and quickness.

Strength Training Exercises

High school athletes should focus on strength training exercises that target the legs and core. Squats, lunges, deadlifts, planks and other similar exercises will help build the strength needed for speed and agility. Strength training should be done two or three times per week depending on the athlete’s individual needs. On days when strength training is not done, it’s important to incorporate stretching into the workout routine to maintain flexibility in the legs.

Plyometric Exercises

For improving quickness and explosiveness, plyometric exercises are a great way to help high school athletes reach their goals. Plyometric exercises involve explosive movements such as jumping or bounding with minimal rest time between sets to increase muscular power output. Examples of plyometric exercises include box jumps, bounding drills or leg hops over cones or hurdles. These types of exercises should be done two or three times per week as part of an overall workout plan.

Sprint Intervals

Sprint intervals are short bursts of intense running followed by recovery periods which helps spike heart rate levels while building endurance within a shorter period of time than traditional distance running would require. Sprint intervals can be incorporated into a regular workout routine two or three times per week for best results. Depending on the sport being played by the athlete, sprints may be done at different speeds; for example a soccer player may need to do more short bursts than longer ones compared with someone playing football who needs more longer sprints with less rest time in between them to maximize effectiveness.


Speed, agility and quickness are essential components of any successful high school athlete’s performance on the field or court. To develop these qualities requires practice combined with proper nutrition along with dedicated coaching guidance from start to finish during each session or program involving SAQ development practices so that each athlete can achieve his/her desired outcomes as quickly as possible without compromising form nor technique along the way.. With these tips in mind coaches and trainers can ensure their high school athletes get off on the right foot when developing SAQ skillsets necessary for success in any given sport!


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