The Power of Proper Breathing During Weight Training

Weight training can be an intimidating and overwhelming experience for a beginner. Learning the proper form and technique is key, but there's one thing that many people overlook - breathing. Proper breathing during weight training can make a huge difference in your performance and results, so it’s important to understand how to do it correctly. Let’s take a look at the basics of proper breathing during weight training.

The Basic Rules of Weight Training Breathing

When it comes to weightlifting, there are three basic rules when it comes to breathing: inhale on the eccentric phase, exhale on the concentric phase, and breathe through your nose. The eccentric phase is when you lower the weight in a controlled fashion; the concentric phase is when you lift the weight back into position. It's important to remember that in order to get the most out of your workout, you need to keep your core tight throughout both phases. This will help ensure that you don't overextend or injure yourself while lifting weights. As for breathing through your nose - this helps minimize distractions and keeps your focus on lifting properly instead of worrying about taking big breaths between sets.

The Benefits of Proper Breathing During Weight Training

Proper breathing during weight training has several benefits: first and foremost, it helps increase oxygen intake which helps muscles recover faster between sets. Secondly, it helps with stability and balance by providing more support for your core; this reduces risk of injury even further. Finally, proper breathing will also help reduce stress levels during exercise by helping you stay calm, focused, and relaxed throughout your workout session. All these benefits combined result in increased muscle strength and improved performance over time!


Weight training can be an intimidating experience for beginners; however learning how to properly breathe during workouts can make all the difference in terms of performance and results. By following the basic rules of weight training breathing – inhale on eccentric phase, exhale on concentric phase – as well as focusing on keeping your core tight throughout each rep – you’ll reap all sorts of benefits from improved oxygen intake to increased muscle strength! With these tips in mind, you'll be able to stay focused and get the most out of your workouts!

For those looking for further guidance on proper breath work during their workouts—Metric Marketing offers specialized services tailored specifically towards athletes who want to maximize their gains while minimizing risk of injury! Reach out today if interested!


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