Believe you can and you will | Monday Motivation

Hey there,

Ever felt like losing weight was an impossible task? Like you simply couldn't do it?

I get it.

But let me share my story with you - a tale of struggles, adversity, and most importantly, belief.

Hi, I'm Coach Malek, and today I want to tell you how I shed 50 pounds.

And no, it's not your typical story of just hitting the gym and watching what I eat. It's much more profound than that.

Growing up, I faced my fair share of challenges, as I’m sure you did too. Those hurdles, those tough times? They made us who we are today.

My high school strength and conditioning coach, Jeremey Lawson, used to say, ‘Blessed by Adversity.’ Those words stuck with me, and they became one of my mantras.

You see, it's not just about the physical aspect of losing weight. It's about what's inside, the belief that you can achieve it.

So many of you out there are trying to lose 10, 20, or maybe even 30 pounds, but deep down, you don't believe you can do it. I know that feeling all too well. As humans we all have times of self doubt. But we CAN overcome it!

That mental struggle you're going through right now? It's not a roadblock; it's a stepping stone.

It’s shaping you, preparing you for the challenges that lie ahead.

I firmly believe that the strength I gained from my past struggles gave me the confidence to change my body and my life.

Back when I weighed 250 pounds, I knew I could lose the weight because I had faced obstacles before. Those struggles taught me that I was capable of overcoming anything. And you know what? You can too.

So, my friend, whether you're battling weight, self-doubt, or any challenge, remember this: every hurdle you conquer today is building the foundation of your strength for tomorrow. Believe in yourself, and you'll be amazed at what you can achieve.

Here's to your journey of self-belief and transformation. You got this!

Stay strong and keep believing, Coach Malek


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