Becoming a Coach

Igniting Passion and Building Bonds: An Inspiring Conversation with Coach Malek and Coach Ryder

Hey, readers! We've got something exciting for you today – an exclusive interview with two incredible coaches, Coach Malek and Coach Ryder. Grab a seat and join us as we dive into their journey and their passion for fitness.

Coach Ryder: So, Coach Malek I'm curious, during your time at MC and playing football with Goff, was that when your love for fitness and lifting really took off?

Coach Malek: Absolutely. Seeing those massive guys at MC when I was a freshman was intimidating at first. I realized I needed to step up my game. But what truly fueled my passion was a moment during our junior year. Goff designed these motivational shirts, "Back With A Vengeance," after a tough loss. Wearing those shirts united us, sparked an intense passion for fitness, the grind, and overall being more prepared than the competition. It became more than just a workout routine; it became a lifestyle.

Coach Ryder: That's powerful. Sometimes, adversity can be the best motivator. I had a similar experience in my high school football days. Losing a crucial game during my sophomore year was a turning point. I stayed up till 2 a.m., vowing never to experience that defeat again. Unfortunately, I couldn't play in my senior year bell game due to a concussion, but that fire never died down.

Coach Malek: It's amazing how these experiences shape us.

Coach Ryder: When did you realize coaching was your calling?

Coach Malek: It actually happened out of the blue. Coach Maz, our head football coach at MC, called me one day, asking if I wanted to coach. I hadn't considered it before then, but after that first year I was lucky to have a great group of guys and I was hooked. Coaching was incredibly rewarding. I found immense joy in guiding and inspiring young athletes.

Coach Ryder: as a strength and conditioning coach, how do you tailor programs for athletes with diverse body types and goals?

Coach Malek: Great question. In high school, it's all about building a solid foundation, focusing on fundamental lifts like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. Instead of creating numerous individualized programs, we categorize athletes into groups like linemen and lighter players. This approach helps us create effective, generalized programs that lay a strong foundation.

Coach Ryder: That makes a lot of sense, especially for high school athletes. Now, you mentioned pull-ups as a crucial exercise. Why do you consider them so important?

Coach Malek: Pull-ups are fundamental. They improve posture, shoulder strength, and prevent injuries. Plus, you can do them anywhere, making them accessible for everyone. In our society, where posture issues are common, mastering pull-ups can make a significant difference in overall well-being.

Coach Ryder: Wise words. Lastly, building respect and trust as a coach can be challenging, especially with teenagers. How do you manage to command respect from your athletes?

Coach Malek: It boils down to caring genuinely. One quote sums it up perfectly: "People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care." Honesty, transparency, and showing that you genuinely care about their progress and well-being are key. When athletes feel your sincerity, they respond with respect and dedication.

And there you have it, folks – a glimpse into the inspiring journeys of Coach Malek and Coach Ryder. Their passion for fitness, resilience, and genuine care for their athletes are the driving forces behind their coaching success in Marin County. Stay tuned for more interviews and stories that fuel your motivation!


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