Stretching for Low Back Pain Relief

Low back pain is one of the most common ailments among athletes. It can be caused by a variety of things, including age, poor form during exercise, and muscle imbalances.

Thankfully, there are some simple stretches that can help alleviate this type of pain. Let’s take a look at how stretching can help reduce low back pain.

Stretches for Low Back Pain Relief

There are several specific stretches that can help reduce low back pain in athletes.

The first is the

Cat-Camel stretch.

This stretch helps to increase mobility in the lower back and hips and helps to improve posture. To perform this stretch, start on your hands and knees with your hands shoulder-width apart and your knees hip-width apart. On an inhale, arch your spine up towards the ceiling while tucking your chin towards your chest (the “cat” part of the stretch). On an exhale, round your spine downward while bringing your head up towards the ceiling (the “camel” part of the stretch). Repeat this 8-10 times, moving slowly and with control.

Another great way to reduce low back pain is through dynamic stretching exercises such as

lunges or leg swings.

These movements help to improve range of motion in key areas such as the hips and core muscles which will ultimately reduce strain on the lower back muscles. Additionally, these movements also promote circulation which can help reduce inflammation in the area. To perform a lunge or leg swing properly, make sure you keep your core engaged throughout each repetition—this will ensure you get maximum benefit from each movement!


foam rolling

is another excellent way to relieve low back pain in athletes. Foam rolling increases blood flow to tight areas by breaking down adhesions between muscles fibers and promoting healing in those areas. When performing foam rolling exercises it is important to remember to move slowly—take at least 10 seconds on each spot—and stop if you feel any sharp pains or discomfort while doing so.

Low back pain doesn't have to be something you live with forever!

With a few simple stretches and exercises performed regularly, you can alleviate tension in key areas that contribute to lower back discomfort.

Don't forget - listen to what your body tells you! If something doesn't feel right or causes sharp pain then stop immediately - it's not worth risking further injury for short term relief!

Take care of yourself today so that you can continue training tomorrow!  By incorporating these stretches into your routine regularly, you should begin noticing relief from lower back pain soon enough!

Good luck!

Coach Malek


Relieve lower back pain


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