Toning vs Building Muscle: What You Need To Know To Change Your Body Composition

Are you trying to change your body composition but hitting a snag? You might be stuck in the mindset of "toning" your muscles. But guess what? Toning is a myth! In this episode of Coach's Corner, Coach Ashley and Coach Malek debunk the toning myth and explain how to actually build muscle and burn fat.

Can You Really Build Muscle and Lose Fat At The Same Time?

Yes! You can absolutely build muscle and lose fat at the same time. It's called body recomposition.

  • Focus on a combination of:

    • Strength training to build muscle

    • Moderate calorie deficit to burn fat

    • Sufficient protein intake to fuel muscle growth

Strength Training vs. Cardio for Building Muscle

  • While cardio is great for overall health, it won't build significant muscle mass.

  • Strength training is essential for challenging your muscles and promoting growth.

  • Don't be afraid of lifting weights! You won't bulk up like a bodybuilder overnight.

Building Muscle vs. Gaining Weight: What's The Difference?

  • Many people fear bulking up when they gain weight.

  • Building muscle is different from gaining fat.

  • Focus on eating a balanced diet with sufficient protein to support muscle growth.

How to Lose Fat While Maintaining Muscle

  • If you're trying to lose weight but keep your muscle, prioritize protein intake.

  • Reduce calorie intake moderately, but not drastically.

  • Include weight lifting in your routine to maintain muscle mass.

  • Reframe your goals! Maybe you don't need to lose a specific number of pounds. Focus on getting stronger, feeling better, and improving your body composition.

Tips for Building Muscle

  • Eat at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight, or even 2 grams if lean bulking.

  • Carbs are your friends! They provide energy for your workouts. Aim for 2-4 times your protein intake in grams of carbs.

  • Healthy fats are also important. Include 100-140 grams of fat in your diet depending on your weight.

  • Consider tracking your macros (macronutrients) to ensure you're meeting your protein, carb, and fat goals.

Cardio That Builds Muscle and Burns Fat

  • While most cardio focuses on burning fat, sprinting is an exception.

  • Sprinting helps build muscle and burn calories at the same time.

  • You can sprint outdoors, on a treadmill, or even uphill for an extra challenge.

Great Exercises to Build Muscle and Burn Fat

  • Multi-joint exercises like squats, deadlifts, bench presses, rows, and pull-ups are fantastic for building muscle and burning calories.

  • Don't neglect bodyweight exercises like push-ups and pull-ups. They are highly effective and can be done almost anywhere.

Follow Coach Malek on Instagram @coachmalek for daily fitness tips and motivation!


Strong & Sculpted: 12 Fitness Q&A for Beginners (Weight Training, Cardio, Protein & More!)


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