the #1 line of defense against covid-19


Article by Chris Menzel

Our gut is the number 1 line of defense for our bodies - it makes up 70% of our immune system. More specifically, our gut microbiome, is what interacts with all the outside substances (food) that we put in our bodies.

This is why nutrition and gut health are so important. Health is one of the only things that is truly your own. Without it, nothing else matters. Now, more than ever, since the world is aware of viruses like COVID-19, we can prepare our bodies for defending against attacks and for allowing an overall higher quality of life in general.

So how do we prepare for a virus like Covid? First, let’s look at what increases the severity of Covid - Comorbidities. According to the CDC, comorbidity is defined as: " more than one disease or condition is present in the same person at the same time. Conditions described as comorbidities are often chronic or long-term conditions.”

What chronic diseases are common comorbidities? Here’s a few examples:

  • Diabetes

  • Heart Disease

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Lung Diseases like Pneumonia and Emphysema

These diseases drastically contribute to a persons death who has been diagnosed with COVID-19.

The CDC said: “For 6% of Covid deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 2.6 additional conditions or causes per death.

Let’s focus on the main point, 94% of Covid deaths, the patients have not 1, not 2, but 2.6 other chronic diseases.

For example, if I have diabetes, emphysema, and non-desirable high blood pressure level, then my chances of dying from Covid skyrocket.

But doesn’t that make sense? Why aren’t we talking about this?

This type of person is already extremely ill.

It seems like we need to focus on decreasing the amount of chronic illness in our culture. An unhealthy culture prior to the COVID-19 outbreak is why the United States was hit so hard. 125 million US citizens have diabetes or pre-diabetes. We are susceptible and set up for failure. This makes us far more likely to become extremely sick or even die when exposed to a virus. Massive amounts of chronic diseases are the true underlying problem.

So how do we decrease chances of getting a chronic diseases? We increase our gut health. Let’s talk about how to strengthen the gut microbiome.

Fiber has a huge connection to the gut. It is the preferred food for the microbiome - they consume it and grow stronger. The microbiome rewards us by releasing short chain fatty acids (SCFA).

Short chain fatty acids optimize our immune systems. Here’s a few examples of what they can protect against:

  • Respiratory viruses

  • Leaking gut (dysbiosis, digestive issues)

  • Colon cancer

  • Type 2 diabetes

Studies have shown that SCFA’s can reverse coronary artery disease, repair the brain barrier (decrease brain fog and brain issues), they travel to the brain and affect our mood and memory, and they can help prevent Alzheimer’s. 

Short Chain Fatty Acids are incredibly powerful.

We need fiber in our diets for the microbiome to release them. The problem is that 95% of Americans are fiber deficient. The baseline for men is 38 grams/day and women is 25 grams/day.

The American Gut Project, a gut study done in over 40 countries, determined what the number 1 predictor of a healthy gut microbiome - the diversity of plants in your diet.

Biodiversity in your gut is a measure of health:

  • the more species of plants you have in your gut , the more resistance the microbiome provides to disturbances in the body.

  • You immune defense will be ready.

And fiber is not just fiber. Every single plant has its own unique types of fiber. Every plant has different prebiotic fiber that feeds the microbiome. Additionally, the microbiome are picky eaters - in terms of different types of fibers.

For example, there are certain microbiome species that will thrive on a black bean but other types that are not getting what they need from black beans. You need variety.

Essentially, eating 10 mediocre plants are more effective than eating 1 superfood.

Diversity of plants is more powerful than being vegan. Its not about the label you apply to your diet, its about the underlying concepts.

Understanding these concepts will give us methods for a long and healthy life, avoiding chronic diseases as best we can, and building a strong immune system that can properly defend us from viruses like COVID-19. It’s not about treating illnesses when they arrive, it’s about being healthy in our day-to-day lives so we never contract chronic diseases at all.

Like the compounding interest of investing, we can build up a healthy cushion as we get older through the compounding interest of a healthy diet.

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