Getting Kids Excited About Weightlifting

Weightlifting is an amazing way to strengthen your body and your confidence as a kid. As well as improve overall fitness, reduce stress, and help your child reach their physical goals. But it can also be intimidating and overwhelming. Here are some tips on how to motivate kids to start weightlifting.

1) Set Goals Together

Setting goals is a great way to stay motivated. Working together with your children to come up with goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, and relevant keeps them engaged in the process of reaching their goals. Ask them what they want to achieve and how they plan on getting there. This will give you a better understanding of what motivates them and help you create an attainable plan for success.

2) Make It Fun

Weight lifting does not have to be all business! Make it fun by creating competitions or challenges that involve weight lifting elements such as squats or push-ups. Another great idea is to reward your kids after they reach certain milestones in their weight lifting journey – this could be anything from a new pair of shoes or a fun day out with friends!

3) Educate Them On Benefits Of Weight Lifting

Explaining the benefits of weightlifting can help motivate your children to give it a try. Explain how weightlifting improves balance, coordination, confidence, flexibility and strength which can help them become better athletes in any sport they may participate in. Show them videos or stories of other successful athletes who have used weight training as part of their regimen so they can see the potential results for themselves!


Weight lifting can be beneficial for both physical and mental health for children of all ages. With these tips, you should now feel confident about motivating your child to start weightlifting! Remember that setting realistic expectations, making it fun, and educating on the benefits are key components when trying to get kids excited about exercise and fitness programs like weightlifting. Encourage your child every step of the way – even if it takes time – because eventually those small strides will add up over time!

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