Fueling Your Fitness Journey: Pre and Post-Workout Meals


This blog post is a breakdown of a podcast episode featuring Coach Ashley and Coach Malik discussing food choices for bulking and shredding seasons.


  • Goal: Gain muscle mass

  • Calories: 7,000 per day

  • Macronutrients:

    • Protein: High intake (around 3 protein shakes with 50g protein each)

    • Carbs: High intake (pasta dishes, rice bowls)

    • Fat: Moderate intake

Pre-Workout (1 hour before)

  • Burrito

  • Oatmeal with eggs

Snack (15 minutes before)

  • Apple

  • Smoothie


  • Protein shake

  • Large meal (Chipotle bowl with double meat, large pasta dish with protein)

  • Another dinner (rice and protein, quinoa with protein)


  • Goal: Lose fat

  • Calories: 2,200 per day

  • Macronutrients:

    • Protein: High intake (1 protein shake, lean protein sources)

    • Carbs: Moderate intake (mostly complex carbs, 2 days with higher carbs)

    • Fat: Very low intake

Pre-Workout (No food)

  • Coffee

  • Light pre-workout drink

  • Apple

  • Smoothie (lighter option)


  • Biggest meal of the day

  • Protein shake

  • Lean protein source (Chipotle bowl with just meat)

  • Smaller meal at night (protein and light carbs)

Transitioning Between Bulking and Shredding

  • Gradually reduce calories instead of cold turkey


  • Track your macros for a few days to understand your baseline intake.

  • Adjust portion sizes based on your individual needs and goals.

  • Consult a coach or nutritionist for personalized plans.


The next episode will discuss the importance of having a "third place" (a place you go to unwind and de-stress).


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