Cutting Weight and Maintaining Muscle - 3 Tips

Hey gusy, here’s a quick video I recorded for a wuestion. Igot asked on Instagram “how do I cut weight, while maintaining muscle mass.”

Video Transcript:

What's going on, guys Coach Malek. In this video, I'm talking about how to cut weight while maintaining muscle.

Very hard goal, very desired goal, is how do we lose fat while we maintain or even gain muscle?

This is going to be different depending on where you're at in your journey, but I came up with three tips to help you do so.

Number one is have a high-protein diet.

In order to do this, you definitely need a lot of protein in your diet. I would recommend at least 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight, maybe even 2. Again, this is going to be a hard goal, so you're going to have to do some hard things to achieve it.

Number two is have fewer meals throughout the day.

o rather than having six meals, what we usually would have before trying to bulk and gain muscle, but we don't care if we're getting a little bit fat, you have your breakfast, lunch, and dinner with a few snacks. I would cut the snacks out, and I'd probably even cut out breakfast as well. Have a good lunch and a good dinner, two meals, maybe even one, and you're going to jam-pack that meal with a lot of protein, a lot of fibers, carbs, and some healthy fats. That way, we're going to still lose our fat, because we're not overly doing it on the calories.

Number three is type of training.

So, how are you training?

If you're doing a lot of cardio and a lot of running, because you're trying to lose fat and not a lot of weights, you're not going to be able to maintain or grow your muscle. So make sure that when you're doing this type of goal, when you're trying to lose fat and gain muscle, and keep the weights in our program. Maybe to add some cardio, we do a little hip training, high-intensity interval training. Get that heart rate up. Maybe we do more circuit training, where we have minimal rest through our sets. But we do need to still hit weights, because that's going to help us maintain that muscle. It's just how we do it. Maybe we can lose some fat at the same time. So those are my three tips on how can you cut weight while maintaining muscle.

Number one, high protein.

Number two, be as few meals, maybe two, maybe one.

And number three is type of training.

If this helped, leave a like, share it with a friend, and comment down below what you want me to go over next video.


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