Cardio or Weights First for Weight Loss?

When trying to lose weight, should you do cardio or do weight training first? It's a trick question. You should do them both at the same time.

I hear people say, once I lose 10-15 pounds, then I'll start lifting weights. The reason why you should do them both at the same time is for a many reasons.

Cardio is something that people like to do when they're trying to lose weight and they're fearful or of gaining weight or getting too “bulky” from weightlifting. Here are three reasons why you should do both at the same time.

Number one, it increases your BMR (Base Metabolic Rate). As you start weightlifting, as you gain more muscle, it costs you energy for your muscles to be in our body. Therefore, your BMR will increase. Therefore, the calories you burn daily, just staying in bed, will also increase. When we build muscle, we burn more calories, which makes it easier for us to lose weight.


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