Top 5 Accessory Exercises you can add to your routine in the gym

Ever find yourself hitting the gym, conquering those squats and bench presses, and still in pain? Are you neglecting something crucial in your workout routine? – accessory work!

I've been in the fitness scene for a solid decade now, and one thing I've noticed is that most tend to underestimate the power of accessory exercises. These often get sidelined for the more glamorous squats and bench presses, and that's where the problem starts. Ignoring your accessory work is like driving a car on E – it might work for a little while, but eventually, you're headed for trouble.

You see, when you focus solely on your favorite exercises, you're leaving your body vulnerable to injuries. You might feel strong doing your go-to moves, but what about those smaller muscle groups? They need love too!

So, what are these accessory exercises, you ask? Well, I've got your back, no pun intended.

Here are five of the best and most needed accessory exercises for the average person, and trust me, they're game-changers.

1. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlifts:

Ever seen a flamingo balance effortlessly? Well, channel your inner flamingo! This exercise not only targets your hamstrings and glutes but also improves your balance. Aim for 3 sets of 15 reps on each leg.

2. Pull-Ups/Assisted Pull-Ups:

Want a strong, sculpted back? Pull-ups are your best friends! If you can't do them unassisted yet, no worries – assisted pull-ups are just as effective. Do 3 sets of 15 reps and feel the burn.

3. Adductors/Abductors:

Core strength is everything. Planks are fantastic, but let's kick it up a notch with shoulder taps. Engage your core, tap your shoulders, and repeat. Aim for 3 sets of 20 taps (10 each side).

4. Tricep Dips:

Wave goodbye to those underarm jiggles! Tricep dips are fantastic for toning those arms. Find a sturdy surface, dip down and push back up. Do 3 sets of 15 reps and watch your triceps transform.

5. Lunges with Dumbbells:

Leg day just got an upgrade! Lunges are excellent, but add dumbbells, and you'll feel the burn even more. Alternate legs and aim for 3 sets of 20 lunges (10 each leg).

Now, here's the deal – consistency is key. Incorporate these accessory exercises into your routine at least three times a week.

Next time you hit the gym, don't forget your accessory work. Your body will thank you.

Until next time, keep those muscles working and those spirits high. You got this!


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